TAF Good Food Good Nutrition

At TAF, you are not on a diet, you are just making the right choices. There is no food that you can’t eat, with TAF NUTRITION, only think of moderation. TAF nutrition makes you a smart eater.

Our Nutritionist after assessing your body composition and clinical parameters ascertains your macro and micro nutrient requirement and suggests the optimum nutrition program for you. Taking into account your basal metabolic rate and the level of activity, a calorie budget is ascertained for you. TAF helps you maintain your optimum nutrition and calorie count at all times through our highly interactive App, as you can maintain your daily calorie and portion log in MY FOOD DIARY.

TAF takes one step further to take care for optimum nutrition and calorie control with TAF CHEF.

Forget boring or bland diet food!. Our gourmet food is delicious even while strictly maintaining the nutritional value.